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  • Writer's pictureKristy Barkley

One A Month

One a month, it doesn't sound like much does it? Like in my business, if I only helped one person a month start their health and happiness journey, I wouldn't be very successful (at least financially). But lord ha'mercy, one pound a month for 14 months means even my lululemon joggers are stretching at the seams!

I could blame it on the CoVid, but honestly, it started 5 months before then. It started with my best friend moving to Texas. We used to work out almost everyday together, walking, orange theory, pilates, yoga, and weights (well I drug her to the weight room a few times, but honestly she hated it). When she moved, I started feeling lonely and a little sorry for myself. I ate. That was the start of it. Problem is, I have always been an emotional eater. So it started with Brandi moving and then I needed to relax and open up to new friends, so I drank more on the weekends, and because I drank more I ate way more and way worse. Who knows how long that went on, because then CoVid. Suddenly there were 5 humans in my tiny 1,300 sqft apartment 24 hours a day. What in the world was happening? I will never forget the day my husband called, it was 4pm and he asked what I was doing. "Drinking, I am drinking." He was as shocked as I was. I don't drink at home unless a party is being held at my home, which really never happens because again, #tinyhome But there I was at 4pm, drinking wine and trying not to lose my marbles. The school, the mess, the meals, the laundry, the cups, the fruit snack wrappers; they never stopped!! The only person missing from my tiny home was my son who was supposed to be in law school but deferred due to CoVid and now was unemployed with no real plan because he never needed a plan, he was always going to law school or med school after his bachelors. He would have actually been helpful in this tiny home full of humans, but apparently moving in didn't sound as fun as moving to DC with his girlfriend (who has the tiniest of tiny homes).

Clearly I was out of control emotionally and while ice cream was always my go to in times of trouble, EL Fudge cookies became my nightly comfort. Me, a comfy blanket, netflix and little elf's filled with fudge! This went on for a really long time, I'm not actually sure when it ended, but I can say that time is officially over!

Today I started what we are calling the 2021 New Years Jean Challenge. I kinda hate the name, but there was a vote, and it was voted for, so I am going with it. The point of it was that we all want more inches at our jeans waist band. But if I am being honest, I just want my jeans to zip up without jumping around while my husband laughs hysterically!

I've spent the last 10 months in leggings, joggers, sweatpants and pajama pants; but lets be honest, is there really a big difference between those 4 things? So here I am on Day 1, taking full accountability for my food intake. That is my problem, the food I put in my mouth. I exercise like crazy, it calms me, it is my happy place, and it is about the only time I am alone. So I have worked out at least an hour 6 days a week, for who knows how long. But when every meal ends with 3 cookies, did the workout even count? I will argue that for my sanity, yes it counted; but for my waist line, no it didn't count at all.

If you have followed me for long, you may be scratching your head right now and thinking, "Wait, doesn't she sell Plexus?" And yes! Yes I do! And I take my gut health protocol every single day without fail, it gave me my life back after all #TBI #PostConcussionSyndrome And I imagine that without my Plexus I would have been putting on two pounds a month, thank goodness I don't have to find out! Have I been using the weight loss Plexus tools in my pantry? Not so much. If I am being totally honest, there were clues all over the place (like the mirror) but it wasn't until I took my measurements and my before pictures on Saturday that I realized how bad it had actually gotten around my waist line.

So today is Day 1. I signed up for another round of Faster Way To Fat Loss with my friend Deidre as the coach. I know it works, because I did it two years ago and towards the end of that round, my husband was completely impressed with my transformation. I stuck with it for awhile, but I got lazy, I didn't want to count my macros and I didn't want to feel guilty when I had way too many macros. But look where lazy got extra 14 lbs! So I will follow her plan of carb cycling, intermittent fasting and counting my macros.

But I am also excited to put my full line up of Plexus products to work!

In case you are curious what all natural Plexus products I will use and why, here it goes. While I am fasting (approx 18hrs) I will have my pink drink and active, because they are less than 50 calories and have no ingredients that break my fast. Before I workout I will take Vitalbiome, not for weight loss but because it is a probiotic that helps me have less stress and more happiness; I will also take a Metaburn, that helps get my energy up at 6am, boosts my metabolism and burns the fat around my midsection! I will break my fast with a Lean Shake, I like the chocolate whey with PB Fit powder, milk and spinach with a handful of ice (314 calories, 26 carbs, 8 fat, 34 protein). I also take my XFactor Plus multivitamin and another Metaburn when I have my delicious shake. Today was a low carb day for me (thank goodness I only have 2 a week or I could not do this program!) so I had some sharp cheddar cheese as a snack and then had a super clean dinner of sauteed chicken, green beans and a little bit of rice. I still need to go find some fats and proteins to get closer to completing my macro goals, but I've got about an hour before I start my fast again...

At bedtime I will take my plant based omega, megaX (which I give all the credit to for returning my memories back to me), Probio5 (the best probiotic on the market), Biocleanse (a magnesium blend that gently keeps my insides going in the right direction) and because I have arthritis I will take our natural pain relievers Nerve and Ease (when I skip this I can barely tie my shoes in the morning, so I never skip these anymore). Finally I will take 1 Balance right before I go to sleep and I will start my morning with one as well, I am no science guru, but I do know that it has an ingredient that helps my fast longer without getting hungry (If I am not doing intermittent fasting, I can take 2 Balance before my largest meal and it helps block 48% of the carbs and sugars from absorbing in my system, which is always a win!!).

There you have it...My system and my supplement tools that I know will help me get rid of the 14lbs I found over the past 14 months. It will be a process, and some days I will hate it and some days I will be so proud of myself, but I have decided to share the journey with you, my friends; because I love when you cheer me on and I love even more when I inspire you to do something you otherwise may not have done.

If you want to get started with me, I would love it! You can join my Jeans Challenge group on FB! If you want more info on my favorite Plexus products or what you might love based on your budget, I'd love to chat with you about that. And if you want the hard core, macro counting, exercise plan that goes with the Faster Way To Fat Lose you can chat with my friend Deidre, tell her Kristy sent you!

For now, I will leave you with my before picture (oh heavens this will be on the internet forever!) and hopefully I will have a lost inches update for you soon; but you might get an oh my goodness sugar withdrawals blog before that!

Stay tuned or join me, I'd rather you join me!

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